Ahmad Yani Semarang Airport
Ahmad Yani Semarang Airport is the only airport in Hyderabad and managed by PT Angkasa Pura I. Located in the Western District of Semarang, the airport is close to the roundabout Kalibanteng, one of the centers in Semarang. Since 2004 Ahmad Yani Semarang Airport into an international airport.
Ahmad Yani Semarang Airport now flies to almost all the water lines in the country. In addition to Garuda Indonesia Air Ways, there is also Sriwijaya Air, Wings Air, Lion Air, Aviastar, Merpati, Air Trigana, Karl Star, also Batavia Air.
Initially Ahmad Yani Semarang Airport is the Army Air Base. Used as a commercial airport after Representative established in the Directorate General of Civil Aviation decided jointly by the Air Force Commander, the Minister of Transportation, and Secretary of the Army.
Semarang Airport Development
In line with the increasing frequency of civil aviation, is to improve the quality of care, Ahmad Yani Semarang Airport pengelolaaan be submitted to the PT. (Persero) Angkasa Pura I. As of October 1, 1995 ownership pengopersian Ahmad Yani Semarang Airport and handed over to the PT. (Persero) Angkasa Pura I and technical development is still being done by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation.
Along with the development of global flows, the service user requires the availability of international flights. Thus, on August 10, 2004 issued by the Minister of Communications Decree No. KM 64 Th 2004 a set of service to or from the Air Force Overseas via Ahmad Yani Semarang Airport.Ahmad Yani Semarang Airport was planned to develop the concept of go green. ”Later, the terminal area will be environmentally sound, and looks beautiful,” said Priyo Jatmiko, General Manager of PT Angkasa Pura I (Limited) Ahmad Yani Semarang Airport.
According to the manager, the current expansion of the airport has already begun constructed by pengurugan ground, and making access to the area. Terminal and apron areas, keluasannya average will be 4 times higher than the existing terminal area is there.
Semarang Airport Welcoming Visit Jateng
In addition, the physical-story building will be two floors, and will be using the ‘trunk’ for passenger comfort, so if the rain does not walk and an umbrella.Construction of the airport expansion is targeted to a year in the hope that progress can be welcomed “Visit Central Java 2013″.
This airport expansion will still leave the tourist pavilion is now in the right side ofthe airport. Determination of this airport as an international air traffic in 2004 was marked by Garuda Indonesia airlines flight Semarang – Singapore PP through Ahmad Yani Semarang Airport.
Ahmad Yani Semarang Airport
Jl Puad A Yani Bandara Ahmad Yani Semarang 50149
Nomor Telepon: 024 7608735 – 611612
Nomor Fax : 024 7612282 – 7617620
Website : www.ayani-airport.com
Pengelola : www.angkasapura1.co.id
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